How to nail your brand’s dating profile (and get quality matches!)

There’s nothing quite like those early months of business ownership.

You set up your biz, launched like a pro and even managed to snag a few sales! Your following hits a couple of hundred, and your email list FINALLY has subscribers other than your ever-supportive friends and family. Things look good.

Then… the honeymoon period wanes. And you find yourself wondering why you’re struggling to scale. After all, you’re doing all the ‘things’: you’re posting content, following trends, using hashtags- the lot! But for some, incredibly frustrating reason, your engagement, clicks and sales just. won’t. budge. 

The bad news: you’re not getting in front of the right audience. The good news: you still can

Chances are, when you started your business, you considered who your target customer was going to be. For the sake of this blog post, let’s go with a customer brief we start with often here at Zest: a 25-35 year old female. 

Now, while many 25-35 yr old women share similar qualities, a common misconception (and easy mistake) is assuming this is all you need to know about the people you’re trying to sell to. You see, the 25-35 year old woman you’re looking for might be a 5am riser who loves hitting the gym and sipping on a green juice. She might live by the beach, work a corporate job and earn a wage substantially above the average income bracket. She loves your brand because it aligns with her lifestyle and values. 

However, not all 25-35 year old women share these qualities and not all 25-35 year old women are the same. And just like your product is specifically designed to appeal to a certain type of 25-35 year old female, your marketing needs to be too. 

This is where the ‘Dating Profile’ comes in. 

Identifying your ideal customer is one thing. But humanising them is another. See, the better you know your ideal customer, the more you’re able to understand what they need from you, and the better equipped you are to serve them. This leads to:

  • A more engaged community

  • Loyalty and repeat sales

  • A better chance at feeding the pesky algorithm (aka organic exposure)

Our detailed branding strategy workshop takes you through the process of uncovering your ideal customer avatar. We give them a name, a physical description (including a cute Stock image to help with visualising them), a relationship status, an occupation, an economic profile, morals, ethics, priorities. The lot. We even consider how they spend their spare cash! 

We profile your ideal customer so deeply that you’ll think of them every time you create anything for your biz. You’ll know them as your best, most valued customer. And this deep insight allows you to truly tap into their pain points, their needs and their motivators. As a result, you’re able to cater an experience which is so good, so personal, so on point that they simply MUST buy from you! 

What’s more, they’ll love it so much they’ll tell their friends (who, incidentally, happen to share their values and therefore also fit your ideal customer avatar) about you too! Hello organic growth! 

Are you ready to revamp your customer Dating Profile? 


Your brand is more than just a logo


How I grew my design business to six figures in under 2 years